Jurassic-2 Ultra

The most powerful model from AI21, offering unmatched quality. Ultra is designed for complex language generation and comprehension tasks including question answering summarization and long-form copy generation.

As the largest and most powerful model in the Jurassic series, J2-Ultra is an ideal choice for the most complex language processing tasks and generative text applications. Further, the model can be fine-tuned for optimum performance in any custom application.

AI21’s mid-sized model, designed to strike the right balance between exceptional quality and affordability.

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AI21 Labs
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Use cases:

  • Question answering
  • Summarization
  • Draft generation
  • Advanced information extraction
  • Ideation.


Highest quality

  • Input: $15 / 1M tokens
  • Output: $15 / 1M tokens
Promptitude-enabled AI providers:
Promptitude Compatibility
  • Prompts

Transform Your Creativity with Provider-Agnostic Solutions

Elevate your projects with Promptitude's provider-agnostic solutions, enabling seamless integration of top-tier AI models for unparalleled performance. Embark on your innovation journey today!