Mistral 8X7B

Experience advanced conversational AI with Mixtral 8x7B, enhancing dialogue quality and human-like interactions

Mistral AI's cutting-edge conversational AI model, boasting significant upgrades in conversation quality and capabilities. This model, with 8 billion parameters, is among the largest open-source conversational models, trained extensively on online dialogues to simulate more human-like interactions.

In comparison to Mistral's previous 6.7B model, 8x7B showcases superior conversation flow, topic retention, and personality management in internal evaluations. The model architecture utilizes a sparsely activated mixture of experts, amalgamating specialized neural networks.

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Technische Daten
Modell Schöpfer
Mistral AI
Input Context Window
Maximum Output Tokens
Multimodal Support
Datenschutz und Sicherheit
Zusätzliche Informationen


  • Text summarization
  • Structuration
  • Beantwortung der Frage
  • Code completion


  • Input: $0.7 / 1M tokens
  • Output: $0.7 / 1M tokens
Promptitude-enabled AI providers:
Promptitude Compatibility
  • Prompts

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Elevate your projects with Promptitude's provider-agnostic solutions, enabling seamless integration of top-tier AI models for unparalleled performance. Embark on your innovation journey today!